Confined Space Entry (Low/Medium Risk)


This course is designed to ensure that delegates understand the legal requirements associated with low/medium risk confined space entry. The training will include the practical skills to apply safe systems of work and will cover the competent use of appropriate equipment for safe entry and operations in these environments. The use of extensive confined space simulations will allow the delegates achieve the learning outcomes in a safe realistic environment.


Participants will be able to:

  • Implement a safe system of work for confined space work
  • Identify work places which are, or are likely to become, confined spaces.
  • Understand the legal requirements in relation to working in confined spaces.
  • Identify confined space hazards and carry out Risk Assessment
  • Recognise unsafe atmospheres and conditions and take remedial action.
  • Follow procedure as set out in the: MSDS and Work Permit.

Who should attend/Pre-Requisites  

None Required

Max. number of participants 



Theory and Practical Assessment 


1 Day


Safety Solutions Certification 


  • Confined Space Code of Practice 2010
  • The capabilities of safety equipment and its correct use, including tri-pod, winch, safety-harness, breathing apparatus and gas detection equipment.
  • How to follow the requirements of the Confined Space Entry Permit.
  • Correct procedures for dealing with Confined Space Emergencies.
  • How to apply relevant isolation/lock-out procedures.
  • Good hygiene practises when working in sewers, drains, etc.
  • Understand the role and responsibility working in Confined Space
  • Group Exercise (identify hazards and carry out Risk Assessment)
  • Written Test (multi choice)


Contact us 

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on any of the courses we offer and would love to hear about your experience attending one of our courses.

Unit 2, Lyncon Court,
Snugborough Business & Technology Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin D15 NP49

Telephone: 01 835 4084

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday8:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Friday8:30 AM — 5:00 PM
Saturday - SundayClosed
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