Fire Warden – Virtual Classroom


All employers are required to have plans and procedures in place for emergencies including people trained to implement those plans. Part of those plans and procedures should involve trained fire wardens. This course will enable attendees to effectively fulfil these roles in their own workplaces. 

Virtual training includes demonstration videos, on how to use CO2 and Foam extinguishers.


To ensure that attendees can effectively fulfil the role of fire wardens in their own workplaces, both in emergency and non-emergency situations. 

Who should attend/Pre-Requisites  

This course is aimed at persons who have been designated as fire wardens in their own workplaces. It is also beneficial to other persons in the workplace such as managers, supervisors and maintenance personnel.

There are no pre- requisites. 

Max. number of participants 



Theory Assessment


Full Day


Safety Solutions Certification


  • Applicable fire legislation and guidance
  • Fire causation and hazards, typical causes of fire in the workplace and how these can be managed effectively
  • Fire Actions – In the event of hearing the alarm and discovery of fire.
  • Fire evacuation procedures (General and specific to workplace)
  • Role of the Fire Warden (In emergency and day to day)
  • Fire chemistry
  • Behaviour and effects of smoke
  • Classification of fire & various applicable fire-fighting equipment
  • Fire safety checks in the workplace, completion of fire safety register
  • Practical use of firefighting equipment on live fire. (Foam Extinguisher and Co2) This to be carried out at suitable external location – to be arranged in advance and subject to on site risk assessment by trainer prior to practical exercise. 
  • Practical review of client’s premises, (short walkthrough identifying fire safety features)
  • End theory test

Contact us 

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on any of the courses we offer and would love to hear about your experience attending one of our courses.

Unit 2, Lyncon Court,
Snugborough Business & Technology Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin D15 NP49

Telephone: 01 835 4084

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday8:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Friday8:30 AM — 5:00 PM
Saturday - SundayClosed
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