Remote Homeworker Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions

Our recommendations are always practical. They can range from simply advising the employee to raise the height of their screen to taking more regular breaks to recommending new footstool or external keyboard. We take into account both the employee and employer perspective.

Yes, we can. Safety Solutions has been conducting workplace assessments for twenty years and we know exactly the right equipment for your team and your budget. We’ll give you a selection of equipment we recommend to meet your budget. 

Simple answer: compliance. Irish legislation requires that every workplace assessments is conducted by a competent assessor. Only a 1:1 session provides this. What’s more, in our over twenty years of doing assessments we know that employees value and benefit from the personal interaction with a competent assessor.

The assessment has been designed to meet the compliance and wellness needs of your team. it is also designed to be an efficient use of their time. For best results we do not recommend adding additional questions to the assessment.

Recommendations and advice will be given to employees in their 1:1 session and follow up assessment report. However, as an employer you can chose whether written reports and recommendations from our experts are shared with employees.

Don’t worry. Our end to end process makes it straightforward to meet the needs of larger teams. No matter the team size, management structure, our simple and straightforward process will work seamlessly.

It’s perfectly possible to do this yourself. However, navigating remote worker compliance is difficult. And even small teams find setting up and running assessments time consuming and costly. Our solution offers a complete out of the box solution for employers with minimum hassle.

Remote Worker Assessment by Safety Solutions

Unit 2, Lyncon Court, Snugborough Business & Technology Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin D15 NP49
Phone: 01 835 4084